Evie vs. Nicole Savoy at SHIMMER Volume 77

Nicole Savoy didn't just want to defeat Evie, she wanted to maim and hurt her because The Captain of Team Kick defeated her during The ChickFight Tournament semi-finals earlier in 2015. Evie wanted to teach Nicole some respect for the disrespect Savoy showed her following that match. The two would engage in this grueling re-match in which Savoy worked over Evie's knee, chaining together impressive offense to score a submission win. The extended reCap and historical context will be posted in the future when time allows.

Evie vs. Nicole Savoy Content

Additional Information | Nicole Savoy defeated Evie (8:24) at SHIMMER Volume 77 on October 10, 2015 at Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois.

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