Team FTW vs. Kairi Hojo & Konami

January 8, 2017. Stardom New Years Stars 2017 Night 3. Team FTW turned their two match winning streak into three when Nixon Newell & Kay Lee Ray defeated Kairi Hojo & Konami. Newell and KLR not only brought the fight, they also had some playful antics in their bum bag of tricks. The extended reCap and historical context will be posted in the future when time allows.

Team FTW vs. Kairi Hojo & Konami Content

Additional Information | Team FTW (Nixon Newell & Kay Lee Ray) defeated Konami & Kairi Hojo (9:40) at Stardom New Years Stars 2017 Night 3 on January 8, 2017 at Act City Hamamatsu in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan.

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