Snakes & Daddies

Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart securing a win for their trio at NXT TakeOver: In Your House 2020 earned them a shot at the WWE Women's Tag Team Titles. The women's tag team titles can be defended across all WWE Brands. Tegan and Shotzi were eager to bring them to NXT for a stay. But to do so they would have to defeat The Golden Role Models, that devious tandem of SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley & "The Boss" Sasha Banks. Bayley and Banks are pioneers of the WWE Women's Evolution, however they're also certified snakes in the grass.

Despite their opponents unsavory nature, Tegan and Shotzi understandably stood in awe of their ring entrance because they are still Sasha Banks & Bayley. But as soon as Bayley predictably opened her big mouth, that awe turned to ire. Tegan and Shotzi were going to be the pioneers who finally christened the women's tag team titles in Black & Gold. They gave Sasha and Bayley a good fight, controlling much of the early contest. After Nox took a pounding for a time, she tagged out to Shotzi who unleashed hell.

Tegan lured Sasha from ring to apron then proceeded to chokeslam her onto Bayley who was flailing on the floor. The challengers followed that up with Nox assisting Shotzi to the top rope so she could nail the arising champions with a crossbody. Back in the ring, Tegan provided assistance so Shotzi could deliver sliced bread #2 to Bayley. Sasha broke up the attempted fall, pushing Nox onto Shotzi and Bayley. As the match continued, the challengers set Sasha up for a Doomsday Device to end things. But the crafty Banks slipped off.

Shotzi got the upperhand applying cattle mutilation to Sasha who was overtaken with sheer pain. Reeking in desperation, Bayley brought a chair into the ring seeking a disqualification since titles can only change on pinfalls or submissions. Tegan literally put her foot down on that, however the referee's attention was turned away from Banks in the submission to Tegan holding a chair. Nox tossed the chair aside but in the meantime, Bayley used the distraction to assist Sasha over Shotzi so she could reverse into the Bank Statement, forcing the drained Blackheart to tap out.

The Golden Role Models deceitfully retained the women's tag team titles. But in a post match WWE Digital Exclusive, Tegan and Shotzi were not too distraught about it knowing they held their own against the more experienced team. They made it clear they were ready for another go at the champions, inviting them back to the black & gold brand for a re-match. Tegan Nox & Shotzi Blackheart would also officially reveal their tag team name: The Lady Wizardballs.

NXT June 17, 2020 Screen Captures

GIFs From This | TW: None For These
Tegan 1 | Tegan 2 | In Awe | Intro
Legit Noss | Words & Points
Smack | Welsh Kiss | Assist | Balls
Snakes Down | Shiny Bread

Digital Exclusive Screen Captures

NXT June 17, 2020 Official Digitals

Additional Information | WWE Women's Tag Team Champions The Golden Role Models (Sasha Banks & SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley) defeated The Lady Wizardballs (Shotzi Blackheart & Tegan Nox) to retain the titles (8:06) on WWE NXT June 17, 2020 at Full Sail Live in Winter Park, Florida.

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